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viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011

Una vez en un sueño

Levanté la mirada y vi tu sombra.
al principio un poco tenue…
luego te acercaste.

Tu mirada era intensa de ojos claros y transparentes,
reflejaban ganas de pasión
preocupaciones interiores entre dulces pensamientos

Con sólo mirarte supe como eras
qué pensabas, qué sentías…
te aterraba el acercarte.
Fue inevitable.

Sin darme cuenta, me besaste
y no pude hacer nada…
sin quererlo te conocí entre sueños.
Me enamoré de ti.

La sombra se fue desvaneciendo

No pude olvidarme de tu olor,
se quedó impregnado sin remedio.

martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011

Stream of Consciousness

Son los rayos del sol los que no dejan de brillar,
Los que sostienen un leve recuerdo a miel amarga,
Los que incitan a la pasión de sus labios
A provocar ese constante deseo
Que hoy ya no es nada.

Por un camino verde de yerbajos cortos,
Una vez caminaste,
Deslumbraba doquier su sombra estuviera…

Dulce y amarga luz, que corrompiste la pasión…
Y, en el carmín de sus manos, derramó su conciencia
Cuan pura era antes, cuan necia es ahora.
Que por la codicia que deslumbraba,
Sufrió de pena.

sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2011

It arrives.

Close your mouth. push your lips.
Now, open them.

Once the air is passing through your tooth,
just relax, close your eyes and, think about your heart

the air is about to enter in your body.
Now, dont think it is air.
Think about what it really is.

It is LOVE.

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2011


It is felt when thinking about anything

A sort of blank hole to fall down,

It opens the path to a new world full of either happiness or pain
Because of not knowing what to think about,
Neither about pity nor about joy

Pleasure, by means of it, is difficult to achieve
But easy to feel through illusions
Heart pounds in such a deep way that is in love with it.
It gets rid of rules and obligations
It provides delight

Brimming with happiness is the path to such an uncertain hole
But the tree broke my fall. It keeps me through.
The uncertain is such a delightful way for insatiable desires
It is a constant want. It actually seems to be a life’s must
Maybe yes or maybe not, why maybe?
Because it is unclear

Would it be risky to jump into the hole?
Imagine a sort of flying looking for pleasures
Two melting shadows under the sky
Kissing each other under the sun
But are the beams of light who do not allow the shadows to kiss

Why such a complication?
Because the beams are jealous of the sun shining for them
And just only for them. For two lovesick souls that are no longer sad

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2011

I have no tears

I have no tears, but feel like crying.
Dissatisfied with this
Even knowing that I can have something much more better
Than this mere mode of life that anyone desires
For me it is neutral, a balance between the good and the evil

A kind of thing that will never go ahead
Never in such a good way
Never full of happiness but anxiety
Anxiety of thinking about a near future
In which happiness is not going to be present

If I had had the opportunity to go back in time
Anything would have been started
There would be nothing right now but fate
Predestination and time are the only who in believe in
They will decide what is about to happen

I have no tears, but pain
No regret but sorrow
But a grief hindering to advance
To achieve happiness
To fulfill an essential need

martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011

Confusing me

If they say you don’t do that,
You do it.
Just you do what you shouldn’t do
Pleasure? The forbidden.
You deeply  look at me,
Gazed at me.

I don’t understand what it is,
What do you mean,
I’m lost in your words,
Because they confuse me,
But they please me. 

Two different things at the same time,
How can it be possible?
To get the same pleasure within the same feeling,

Don’t know what it is.
Maybe soon.

In abstract terms 2

It continues.
A strange feeling comes and goes,
Don’t know what it is.
Probably soon.

Trying to get an explanation of what is happening,
Don’t achieve it.

Can’t find the words to express it
Something missing
I lack of the unknown, of the abstract
Will be physical… but I don’t know

Inspiration comes in,
Guides me through.

Finding it,
Don’t know what it is.
Really want to know why it arose,
A pressing need for that.

Will continue.

In abstract terms

It takes place.
Something comes into mind.
Dont know what is it.
Grasping around the brain and feeling it so high.

Gripping me.
Something that i would never know
or maybe yes,
as if something unknown was deeply soaking in the skin,
what is it.

Heart pounding.
Then feel anguish, so much.
Is it a new sorrow? Or was it an old one?

Without knowing how to act, thinking about act.
Acting, and.. perhaps.
Extremely passionate but too heavy to hide.

Not possible.

Maybe next time to realise what is it.
Meantime the choice is to wait.
Wait for loving, hating, believing or desiring.
So much the better, my own