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jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012


We are the same person,
the only difference is that
you are a man
and I am a woman

I am here
You can't see me yet

You are looking for me
I am looking for you

Let's melt together
Why not?
Let's make the love,
make love.
Let's do this.

If you love me
I will love you,

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

If somebody

If somebody sees your naked soul
If somebody smells your naked skin
If somebody stares at your naked figure

Let them see the truth
Let them get close to nature
Let them feel the power

sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012

El Estornudo.

Son sólo gotas sin esperanza
que vienen y van,
que delatan fugacidad

son olores neutros
llenos de fuerza,
son voces que corren
dentro de la impureza

es un simple gesto
lleno de peros,
que se pone de manifiesto

Son almas frágiles
y desnudas

Son doble viento,
que corren dentro del tiempo,
muy lento.

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012

The soul

Souls are the essence of the world, without them there would be no life at all. Feelings are the essence of souls. What is the main function they have in society? Its simple existence answers the question. They have a sheltered concrete and visual refuge; the body. Sometimes the body prevents other souls from noticing what its soul feels, sometimes the other soul cannot reach the end because of the neutrality transmitted by the body, sometimes the body is an obstacle, sometimes it is not. So we have to be happy that Plato was one of the very first to distinguish between body and soul, between the material and the cosmic. Dark and light can be easily combined but they would not exist without the existence of the other since they have a bidirectional relationship, they feed each other... I must say. Some souls live in complete darkness, and those ones are who fly so far away. Society is composed of endless souls. This is the cycle of life; being born, living and dying. However, one has to be aware that it never ends, souls are as infinite as nature. Souls are part of nature so... could we replace the word soul by the word human being? Or does the word human being comprise both body and spirit? Is the mind part of the body or part of the soul? Is the mind the same as the soul? Is the soul the same as the mind? Even a scientist would not be able to answer it. To be frank, the only truth we know about all this stuff is that souls love, feel and suffer and their shelter is the concrete body, our physical appearance.

jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2012

If alone

Sometimes I’m not alone
Sometimes I’m yours
Sometimes I have my body and soul both naked

“To be or not to be”

I am romantic in both content and form
Between blinks
I can hear the wind
It blows

Sometimes I eat apples
And the snake that surrounds them
Is singing the hymn of forbidden love 

If alone
i drink wine 
and then
everything is over.

Even if alone,
I’m with you.

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012


One of the most exciting things in London could be the attitude. Today my friend and i were sat in a stone bench next to Soho, a very nice neighborhood here in London. There was a randomer sat alone looking to the sky. He asked us if we minded being on a photo he was going to take, and well… i would have said yes, but actually I replied no. He took it, we kept having lunch and, two seconds after, he told us well… you were not in the photo, we laugh, looked at each other and kept eating. As far as he returned to his original position like a chameleon changes its color, he firmly stood up and started again from the very beginning. As we finished our lunch… tried to went our way to the tube but the individual suddenly said; “well I pretended you both being in my photo but you are leaving”. After experiencing this weird and estrange situation, what should I think about attitude here? What do you make out of all this?

-         Randomers going happily to and fro 

Then, a woman on the bus asked me for my jumper “rebeca in Spanish”; “Where is it from? is it handmade?” she told me. “Maybe, it is from Pedro del Hierro” I told her. She frowned at me and I asked her “do u know that Spanish designer?”, then she replied “no but it is so nice”. I smiled at her and touched her arm with affection. She went. 

Actually, and as I wrote in one of my lasts post here, we pass most of our time on the tube. The tube is a source of inspiration, and my ex iphone was witness of it. Unluckily somedoby stole it and now i have a new witness, a pink one. Life is a countdown, and even if we think we are wasting time, we actually aren’t. Every face, every hair, every smile is beautiful here, I like them all, I love people here. Maybe I’m looking for something else I might not find but who knows, that guy who I saw on the train could be the man of my dreams. He must be out there.
When I got home I told my flatmates “ohhh today I was so excited in class because we’ve seen T. S. Eliot and The Waste Land” and one of them asked me “who? The guy you like?” I started laughing and told her “I wish he was but unfortunately he is not alive”. I wish one of these days I could love someone forever, but wishes cannot be predicted. 

So, -and as my friend was surprised, even scared, when she saw me eating oranges in the middle of Oxford Street,- I’m (probably) getting used to this kind of life. Maybe Beckett would have understood me doing it, as a natural romantic inspirational act, and it is very probable that he would have chosen me rather than Vladimir or Estragon. I think that the figure of a girl eating oranges in such a tourist and crowded place is much more attractive and postmodernist (even more absurd I dare to say) than the image of two men saying stupid things under a tree. 

Maybe no one understands me when reading this, maybe no one reads this, maybe lots of people will do it. The thing is sharing my views and points (always anxiously looking forward to answers never typed) with you all and fit our minds, the most important thing in life. So let's have a cappuccino and fit our minds.

Even if London runs out of sun, I’ll keep loving it. I’ve fallen in love with this pretty huge refuge.  


PD: The word "Especially" in the picture is consciously written in a wrong way. The correct way is "specially". The addition of the "e" is something that I included in order to emphasize the meaning of the word. I wanted to make it awkward.

domingo, 21 de octubre de 2012

You inspired me

I’ve lost my fear of flying
I believe in you
I could believe in us
I may never come back to you in public
But never give up

If there is no hope
Then, I’ll come back to you.
And if you answer me
We are not strangers any more
I won’t imagine us in that virtual world

At least it was nice,
And you may realize
The force that the corruption of love has inside
Only when there is no more hope
Only when it is no longer alive  

sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012

Thoughts on life.

We pass most of our daily time sat in a little blue square going from one place to another inside the tube. i am new in all this stuff i'd say that it is either useless or a waste of time, but, in fact, it is not.
Since the very first moment we are alone surrounded by the crowd, we start thinking and thinking is a very fruitful action. It lets you know a new world, opening new paths which are meant to be different ways of escaping from reality, since what you think is fictional and does not become real until you make it real. So once you've reached the place, that fantastic place you are looking forward to, stand up and make it real.

The fact of acquiring different perspectives in life is such a pleasure. Moreover, Homer would say that it has a moral, and a purpose indeed. In spite of being this a structuralist point of view, let me show you the romantic one. And when i say romantic i do not mean "love" i mean 18th century thoughts. What would say Wordsworth or Coleridge about going inside the tube for more than half of your day? They would advice you to get rid of materials, machines and technology and go to hyde park, green places, breathe, walk walk walk, and be inspired by nature.

It is that nature what makes us being alive and feel the love. Once you experience the excess of love, now you start feeling, and living in society.

Love corrupts society and society corrupts us. Maybe it is not quite good taking for granted that Hobbian thought since if one is original by nature he does not necesarily follow the crowd. Unfortunately, the rules can be broken but not avoided and, as I always say, life is about moments of impact that define who definitely we are.

So as you maybe see, every single fact within reality, in spite of being fictional, can be seen from a wide range of perspectives. Live, love and act. Fictional things are real since they are created within the realm of reality.

Thanks for reading.

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

More is less.

As it comes from the virtual world of ideas,
you make it real.

There is your body and soul asking to be one single entity,
what they do not know is what they actually are,
two separate beings,
two virtual things,
as a social virtual platform,
at the end
they will end up being dust.

It does not matter what you do,
neither what you believe in,
nor where you come from.
Everything will be dust.

But that duality is real,
as a kiss from a rose,
as a flower that grows,
as a heart pounding.

Every single entity that exists by its own is real,
the problem is when two single entities become one,
when they pretend to be what they are not. 

Don´t ask,
Don´t think.
Please reflect.

martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

There are those moments of impact in life.

When you do not know what is good and what is bad.

Neither what to do nor dont.

And suddenly, here you are. In the middle of nowhere, asking for help.

You think, re-think, create a new language which nobody understands but yourself.

Everything is like a paradox made up of little conceits.

And you take it for granted


viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012


The fact of taking risks in life gives oneself a sense of self-confidence. It portraits a matter or truth, moments of impacts which can be determined by the environment in which we are meant to be. Those moments are what make us stronger than yesterday. Let the chips fall, do not decide for yourself, decide for your life. Think about making mistakes, talking dirty, falling down, crying... then, you'll be ready for the rest: START LIVING.

miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

Puede ser, o no ser.

Y es que a veces me pregunto
Si sentiremos lo mismo
Si seré tan tuya
Como lo estoy siendo ahora.

Pienso y no entiendo
El porqué de tus actos
El porqué de los míos
Reflexiono y no comprendo

Y es que los sentimientos no comprenden,
No se entienden,
Sólo se sienten.

Se me enreda la piel
con el recuerdo de tus besos
Y me quema por dentro.

Si tengo valor,
me derretiré en tu cuerpo

Caeré sobre el aroma
que dejan tus besos

Para no tener miedo.

Para tocarte de nuevo.

Quizás no lo quieras,
quizás no lo sientas.

Quizás simplemente huyas
para quitarte del medio.

Y yo no miraré
para esconder lo que siento
bajo este sombrío blanco y negro.

Las puertas abiertas se cierran por dentro
se escapan mis besos hacia un nuevo encuentro
No sé lo que veo, no sé lo que tengo.

No quiero asegurarte
cumplir lo que escribo
prefiero mentirte
y dejarlo en el olvido

Prefiero rendirme
sin ver lo bonito,
Prefiero hacerlo en silencio