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martes, 30 de abril de 2013

Good things come for those who wait.

The romantic feeling of writing as a release works. You first think and then act. Sometimes acting comes before thinking. And that’s the point.
Why don’t you stop thinking and live?
Why don’t you love yourself?
Why don’t you appreciate what you really have and ignore insignificant things that you consider important?
It is high time you realize the real value of things. It is not worth something that isn’t worthy of being worth.
Why don’t you look for real peace and look forward to real people? Fakeness and corruption are, unfortunately, two forces moving the world. You have to make them disappear in your own one.
Improve yourself by creating a world of honesty, peace and sincerity. Stay always humble and karma won’t kill you. Others will be killed by karma.
Sometimes the unknown you think you know will lead you to the right path. Sometimes it is worth trying new things without fear. Listening to others and meeting new faces will help you.
Make the unknown known. I don't know if you know what I mean. It will be worth trying at least.
Create your own life. Create your own world. Create a new soul.
Get swept up in passion.

miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013

Running away from perfection.

When we are alone is when we start to live. 

We may think about reaching perfection but perfection doesn’t exist. Perfect things are imperfect since they are perfect. Society creates perfect conventions but then anyone really likes them. We look for perfection and when we face a perfect thing, moment or soul, we do not fancy it. 

Perfection is so temporary, ephemeral and ambiguous. Like happiness. Like life. Like us. 

Simple things are the best. 


martes, 9 de abril de 2013

Las cosas aleatorias de la vida

Se abre el telón. 

Abres los ojos y esa realidad que crees que estás viendo se convierte en ficción. Son infinitud de caminos sin dirección. Hay algo. Ya lo conoces pero des-familiariza. Es como una segunda lengua, pero sin ella no existiría la primera. Y la relación sería bidireccional, como aquellos signos Saussureanos que se corresponden, en el que A es para B y B es para A. Pero nunca sabes lo que quieres. Y cuando lo sabes, ya no lo quieres. Cuando lo quieres, no lo sabes. Y cuando lo sabes y lo quieres, ya no es nada. Si no te mueves, mueres. Piensas. Vives. Luchas. Haces. Sientes. Pero ya no ves nada. Cierras los ojos y se acaba todo. 

Se cierra el telón.